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  • Vinit Dama
  • Canada

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Vinit ''Lunice'' Dama is a Super Smash Bros player from Toronto, Ontario, Canada with Fox and Wolf as mains.
Lunice competed and finished 2nd in Wario's Smash Down, 3rd in The Rugs Open, 5th in Smash Ultimate Online: East Coast, 9th in Frostfire 2021 and 13th in Homecoming: See Me Offline.
Also Lunice competed in SWT: NA Northeast Ultimate Online QualifierAround The Roster in 80 PlaysHABBY Birthday 2020 ft. $1000 in Prizing - An Ultimate Wi-Fi Major, Smash Ultimate Online: East Coast, GOML North American Open: East Canada ft. $1000 Prize Pool, The Box: Juice Box #8, Domics' Atomic Arena [$4000 Pot].
Vinit is a Fullmetal Alchemist fan.
You can follow Lunice on Twitter.
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