Matches statistic
Matches played
1Win rate
33%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
1Win rate
33%Current streak (Old → New)
Ludovic Mbock, known simply as Ludovic, is a fighting game competitive player from the United States who represents The Hiero Group.
Ludovic has competed in numerous tourneys since 2016. He won 1st place in SFV singles at Northeast Championship 19, 3rd at April Annihilation 2019 & Summer Jam 2021, 9th at Defend the North 2016 & East Coast Throwdown 2019, and 13th at CPT 2020 Online Event: NA East 2.
He also won 9th place in Tekken 7 singles at Winter Brawl 3D Edition and 13th at April Annihilation 2019. He took part in several instalments of Evolution Championship Series, Combo Breaker, Final Round and other regional and online tournaments.
Follow Ludovic on Twitch.