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  • Gerardo Vega Sanchez
  • Mexico

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Gerardo "LoloMx" Vega Sanchez is a SoulCalibur player from Mexico.

Lolo started playing fighting games when he was a child, everything from Street Fighter to Mortal Kombat, however, SoulCalibur 2 was the game that really grabbed his attention. Since then Lolo has been mastering the game and competing all over the world, winning majors for SC4, SC5, and SC6.

Some of his achievements include 1st place at Final Round XVII, 1st place at Final Round 2019, multiple 1st place finishes at The End of Days tournaments, 2nd place at DreamHack Dallas 2019, 3rd place at Soulcalibur World Invitational 2019, and 5th place at Texas Showdown 2019.

Lolo's playstyle is a mix of solid defence and fundamentals built up after years of experience and an unorthodox offence. As one of the best Yoshimitsu players in the world, Lolo is extremely good at utilizing the character's unusual and very situational moves to his advantage. 

You can find LoloMx on Twitter and Twitch.