Matches statistic
Matches played
28Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
28Win rate
49%Current streak (Old → New)
Riley Newcomb "Liyrex" is an American Super Smash Bros player. He is a Roy specialist but also plays Lucina, Little Mac, and Mr. Game & Watch.
Liyrex plays for Brainless eSports, regularly participates in Ultimate Immortal Fight Night, and currently has a set count of 65%
He has competed in ssbu singles and ranked 5th at Hypertension Ultimate, 13th at Paradigm Shift, 97th at Low Tier City 7 & Shine 2019, 129th at Let's Make Big Moves, and 193rd at Frostbite 2020.
Liyrex also plays Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragons. Check out his Twitter here and his Twitch stream here.