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  • Anthony Jimenez
  • USA

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Anthony "Legacy" Jimenez (aka LMNY_Legacy) is a professional fighting games player from Hobbs, New Mexico, United States of America. He's a leader and a founder of Luminary Gaming.

Legacy is an experienced Injustice and Mortal Kombat player. He made it to top-100 at EVO 2017 (Injustice 2), also appeared on EVO 2018 and 2019 as Injustice 2 and MK11 player. At Kumite in Tennessee 2020, he also participated in Tekken 7 tourney, but the result was far from significant.

Legacy mains Raiden in MK11

Legacy also competed at Kombat Cup events, War of the Gods events, Evo 2017Absolute Battle 8The Fight Club WeeklyKumite In Tennessee 2018Kumite in Texas / Low Tier City 6

You can follow him on Twitter and Twitch