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La Luna

  • Ryan Coker-Welsh
  • USA

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Birthday : Jun 9, 1991 (32)
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Ryan Coker-Welsh "La Luna" is a Super Smash Bros. Melee, Ultimate, and Wii U player from America. Ranked 53rd on the MPGR, he used to represent Mazer Gaming but left in March 2020.

La Luna mains Marth with Fox as secondary in SSBM and Joker/Palutena in SSBU. At the Revival of Melee 6 tournament, La Luna defeated smashers Chillindude829 and DJ Nintendo to take 3rd place.

La Luna also competed in Smash Ultimate events and placed 49th at Genesis 6, 65th at The Box, 97th at Ultimate Naifu Wars 11, 257th at Let's Make Big Moves, and 513th at Pound Online to mention a few.

In July 2020, La Luna was accused of sexually harassing players and sleeping with a Minor which he released a statement denying.

Check out La Luna's Twitch stream here.

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