

  • Kaleb Pumphery
  • USA

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Kaleb Pumphery, otherwise known as "KalebKujo" s an American Super Smash Bros player. He has been known to play Bowser, Bayonetta, Corrin, Richter, and Wario in Ultimate.

KalebKujo has an overall set count of 63% and is a regular participant in events such as SBY Weekly, Smash @ Xanadu, and The Grind Fridays.

He also competed in ssbu singles at larger tournaments, placing 97th at Glitch 6 and Glitch 7. At Glitch 8 - Missingno, KalebuKujo ranked 257th after being defeated by Barking_Frog and Maple.

Kaleb is a KPop fan and especially stans BTS and Attez. Take a peek at his Twitter here.