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  • Aaron Kriley
  • USA

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Aaron "JohnSwitch" Kriley is an Super Smash Bros. player from the United States. Ranked 9th in Pittsburgh for Smash Ultimate, he mains Pikachu and is a regular participant at events like SmashErie.

JohnSwitch has competed in ssbu singles and placed 17th at Replay FX Gaming Arena 2019 & Slime's Showdown 3, 25th at Smashadelphia 2019, 33rd at Steel City Showdown, 49th at Save Point, 129th at Collision 2019, 193rd at The Big House 9, and 513th at Super Smash Con 2019 & Frostbite 2020.

At Glitch 8 - Missingno, JohnSwitch ranked 193rd in singles with a 60% set win rate after losing key matches against Cyphus in the Winners Quarter-Final and the Losers Semi-Final of Pool E10.

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