

  • Jan-Michael Del Rio
  • USA

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Jan-Michael "JANinHtown" Del Rio is an American fighting games player from Texas, who competes in titles such as Street Fighter V, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Guilty Gear -Strive-, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle, and Granblue Fantasy: Versus.

JANinHtown mains Potemkin in GGST and has participated in tournaments such as Houston Battle Royale Act 12, MCB Guilty Gear Strive, EVO 2021 ONLINE - North America, AnimEVO 2020, DreamHack Dallas 2019, Texas Showdown 2019, ARCREVO America 2019, CEO 2019 Fighting Game Championships, EVO 2019, Frosty Faustings XI 2019, Super TSB 2019, FINAL ROUND 2018, CEOtaku 2018 & 2019, South Louisiana Major 2018 (SLAM 2018), DreamHack Austin 2018, King of the Sticks 2016.