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  • Jadon Warneke
  • USA

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Jadon "JStrudel" Warneke is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitor from Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. Their main in SSBU is Cloud

Warneke began to play Smash competitively at Be Mine? (SSBU) in 2019, where they took 33rd in SSBU singles. Later, they played SSBU at such events as The Counterpick in 2019, GameWorks Presents - Weekend Warmup in 2019, Med City Smash Ultimate #26 in 2019, where they took the 1st place, Overextend in 2019 (33rd place), The Big House 9 in 2019, Clear a New Path! in 2020, and No Rest Wifi 1 (1st place) in 2020. 

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