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  • Todd Valenti
  • USA

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Todd Valenti "Inserity" is an American Tekken player who mains Hwaorang. He is a regular participant at events like Dash Block Monthly, Tech City Tekken, Wednesday Fight Nights x Oakland, and WNF2020 Online Edition.

Inserity has also competed and placed 5th at NorCal Regionals 2019, 13th at Tekken World Tour 2018 Online NA West, 17th at Electric Cancel, 25th at SoCal Regionals 2018, and 97th at Combo Breaker 2019 as well as EVO 2019.

At Bud Light Beer League Tekken West 1, Inserity ranked 17th with 50% set wins after losing matches against Rip and Acumajor.

Take a peek at his Twitch channel here.