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  • Jayden Hewitt-Gregory
  • UK

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Jayden "imortalXsoul" Hewitt-Gregory is a competitive Tekken 7 player from the United Kingdom who mains Master Raven. They represents RIZE Gaming Pro Esports and are currently studying Aerospace Engineering.

imortalXsoul has competed in several tourneys including Coventry Fight Night, ICFC EU SEASON 1, Revolver: Road To Celtic Throwdown, Rival Scenes 2020 Online Edition, SIDEKICK by RIZE, TNT Lockdown League II, VSFighting 2019, WAKE UP ON TRENT 1 & 2, and WSO Open: Tekken 7 Dojo event @ Red Bull Gaming Sphere.

Follow imortalXsoul on Twitch and YouTube for Master Raven guides!