Matches statistic
Matches played
10Win rate
78%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
78%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
78%Current streak (Old → New)
1:51 AMBO5 | iaddedu | 1 :3 | King-Tiza | ||
1:49 AMBO5 | Yadriel-el-punk | 0 :3 | iaddedu | ||
1:47 AMBO3 | Cosmic_fgc | 0 :2 | iaddedu | ||
1:44 AMBO3 | Ulteehh | 0 :2 | iaddedu | ||
1:40 AMBO3 | iaddedu | 2 :0 | BlackJezus | ||
1:33 AMBO3 | JaySaibot | 0 :2 | iaddedu | ||
1:25 AMBO3 | iaddedu | 2 :0 | Skarox | ||
1:11 AMBO3 | iaddedu | 2 :0 | M0ntyBLK | ||
12:34 AMBO3 | Gaussly | 2 :1 | iaddedu | ||
12:16 AMBO1 | iaddedu | 1 :0 | Broseph |
iaddedu is a Mortal Kombat player. He is known to have made his competitive debut by participating at the 2020 A Tale of Two Consoles online Tournament where he ranked 13th place out of 58 entrants in the Mortal Kombat 11 event. He also participated in the Kombat Island Tournament and ranked 4th place out of 55 entrants.