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huto (フト), also known as "bAhuto," or "bAフト," is a Super Smash Bros. Wii U and Ultimate player from Japan.

A long-time competitor, Huto started his Smash Career with SSB4 and has been hailed as one of the best Banjo & Kazooie Ultimate players in Japan. He also plays characters such as Wario, Mario (his SSB4 main), Luigi SSBU

Huto has competed in several tourneys including 2GG: Kongo Saga, ESG Cup 2, Evo 2019, EVO Japan 2020, HST SP 5, Kagaribi, Kurobra 23, Seibugeki 2, Umebura Japan Major 2019, and Waseda Festival 2019.

Follow Huto on Twitter and YouTube.

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