

  • Justen Horten
  • USA

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Justen "H4Zard" Horten is a fighting games competitor from Clarksville, Tennessee, USA. Their key disciplines are Mortal Kombat 11 and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where they main Sub-Zero and Ken, respectively. They also compete in Injustice 2, SoulCalibur VI and Rivals of Aether

Horten made their competitive debut at Kumite in Tennesee 2018 (Injustice 2). The same year, they played Injustice 2 at COMBO BREAKER 2018 and Evo 2018. In 2019, they returned to Kumite in Tennessee to play SSBU and Injustice 2, and also partook in COMBO BREAKER 2019 (SSBU, MK11), as well as CEO 2019 (MK11, SSBU) and Evo 2019 in the same disciplines. At Evo 2019, H4Zard took 65th place in MK11.