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  • Luis N.
  • USA

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Luis "GRILLZ" N. is a fighting games competitor from Cleveland, Oklahoma, USA. Their main disciplines are Mortal Kombat 11, where they main Jax, Mortal Kombat XL and Injutice 2. They are also known to play Street Fighter V and DRAGON BALL FighterZ

GRILLZ entry into competitive fighting games happened during SoCal Regionals 2016 (MK XL). Since then, they have been a regular participant at Kombat Cup Week and CEO. During CEO 2017 (Injustice 2), GRILLZ took 65th place. At CEO 2019 (MK11) they came out as 49th. GRILLZ also participated in Evo 2017 (Injustice 2). 

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