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  • Nawid Naibkhyl
  • USA

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Nawid ''GothamPaladin'' Naibkhyl is an American fighting games player from Elk Grove, Sacramento County, California, who is known for competing in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Granblue Fantasy: Versus.

As a competitive Dragon Ball FighterZ player GothamPaladin competed and finished 3rd in Pinnacle 2021, 5th in South Bay FighterZ #3, 7th in Bay Area Brawl and DBFZ Ticket To World Tour. FT: Kame House. Tenkaichi Warm Up, 9th in DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ WORLD TOUR FINALS: RED BULL FINAL SUMMONING and Combat for a Cause: Mental Health, 13th in NorCal Regionals 2019, 17th in CenCal Standoff 2019, 49th in Evo 2018 and Evo 2019.

You can follow GothamPaladin on Twitter and Twitch.

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