Matches statistic
Matches played
3Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
3Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
11:34 PMBO3 | Gorgon | 1 :2 | |||
11:15 PMBO3 | Razor (US) | 2 :1 | |||
11:05 PMBO3 | Gorgon | 2 :0 |
Noah "Gorgon" D. is an American Super Smash Bros player and founder of the Illinois Inter-High Online League.
Gorgon mains Fox but also plays a variety of characters including Captain Falcon, Falco, Ice Climbers, and Samus.
A regular at TriFi events, Gorgon has competed and won 1st place at CLASH - Battle for TSG, 129th at Frosty Faustings XII 2020 and Midwest Arena 2, 385th at Smash'N'Splash 5, and 513th at Frostbite 2019.
You can find Gorgon on Twitter.