Matches statistic
Matches played
7Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
7Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
7Win rate
50%Current streak (Old → New)
1:40 PMBO5 | Gerber | 2 :3 | I_J_K143527 | ||
12:42 PMBO1 | Gerber | 1 :0 | Gustek611 | ||
12:36 PMBO3 | Moonspell | 2 :0 | Gerber | ||
12:33 PMBO3 | Gerber | 2 :0 | Freezbeatz |
Konrad "Gerber" Wers is a fighting game player from Poland. He plays titles such as Mortal Kombat 11 and Tekken 7.
Gerber has competed at numerous tournaments including Berlin Tekken Clash 2018, Buttonczech 2018, Fighting Games Challenge, Ruczaj Rumble, and Warsaw Games Week 2017.
At The Kombat Showdown, he competed in MK 11 singles and placed 13th with a 50% set win rate after being defeated in matches against Moonspell and I_J_K143527.
Keep up with DashFight to learn of his future exploits!