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  • J.D. Lotto
  • USA

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J.D. Lotto "Fons" is an American fighting games player from Wisconsin known to compete in titles like Super Smash Bros, Tekken 7, and Soul Calibur VI.

Ranked 13th on the Smash 4 Wisconsin Power Rankings, Fons mains Dr. Mario in SSBU, Sheik in SSBM, and is regarded as one of the best Dr. Mario mains in the US after Lui$ focused on different characters.

Fons has an overall set count of 64% and has teamed up with smashers like Marshall and PowPow to play Smash doubles events.

Fons has also competed in SSBU singles and ranked 7th at Overextend, 17th at Combo Breaker & Second City Smash, 25th at Invincible 5, 65th at Spotlight, 97th at Frostbite 2019, 129th at Let's Make Big Moves, and 353rd at Smash'N'Splash 5.

Check out Fon's matches here.