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  • Normann Da Silveira
  • France

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Normann "FlashNo47" Da Silveira is a French fighting games player from France.

He is well known for participating in the VSFighting 2019 where he ranked 49th place out of 145 entrants in the Mortal Kombat 11 singles event. With a set win rate of 50%, he scored a dominant win in the course of the event against fellow Pool B1 participant Igniz13 in the losers third round and earned another win via disqualification of fellow participant Rise_of_Lakey in the winners first round, while losing his subsequent matches against Afrodo in the winners third round and The_Tile in the losers fourth round.

FlashNo47 is a Geras main, he also competes frequently in Dragon Ball FighterZ and regularly streams on Twitch.