

  • Jeff Morrison
  • USA

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Jeff "FineLikeWine" Morrison is a Street Fighter player from the United States. He competed in tournaments such as:

  • 2021: Capcom Pro Tour 2021 - NA West, Multiple WNF2021 Online Edition events.
  • 2020: Bashfest, Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020, GameWorks 2020 Fighting Game Regional Kickoff, Vancouver Street Battle Online Series #1.
  • 2019: EVO 2019, Northwest Majors 11, The Pinnacle 2019.
  • 2018: EVO 2018, Northwest Majors X (17th), Red Bull Conquest Qualifier – Seattle (9th), Rose City Ascension (2nd).
  • 2017: EVO 2017, Northwest Majors IX (5th), Capcom Pro Tour North American Finals at Red Bull Battle Grounds.

Follow FineLikeWine on Twitter and Youtube.