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  • Ben Luong
  • Australia

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Playing : 5+
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Ben "FinalBlastVideon is an Australian Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition pro player from Perth, Western Australia.

His main character in SFV is Nash.

FinalBlast has participated at several regional and online tournaments such as SFV & T7 - Show Your Prowess Tournament, Salty Zaibatsu Armageddon 2018, Show Your Prowess 1.5 2019, Couples Therapy 2v2, BAM11 Battle Arena Melbourne 11, Capcom Pro Tour Online 2019 - AUS, Show Your Prowess IV, The Wild West 2019, The Iron Crown, The Iron Crown II, CouchWarriors League 2020, The Iron Crown III, The Iron Crown IV, and Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 Australia

You can follow FinalBlast on Twitter here

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