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  • Fernando Mendez
  • USA

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Fernando “Ferns” Mendez is an American fighting games player from the United States. He competes in titles like Dragon Ball FighterZ, Mortal Kombat11, Samurai Shodown, Super Smash Bros, and Under Night In-Birth Exe.

Ferns has participated in tournaments such as:

  • 2021: CGC Fight Night Round, Downtown Beatdown Online, FGC MEETUPS, Frosty Faustings XIII 2021 - Online, Low Kick Online 2021 - August, Roundhouse 2021 (5th), Tech Chase @ Midlane #3, Tripoint Smash 101.
  • 2020: Frosty Faustings XII 2020.
  • 2019: COMBO BREAKER 2019, Frosty Faustings XI 2019, Smash'N'Splash 5 (13th in DBFZ & 17th in MK11).

Follow Ferns on Twitch and Youtube.

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