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  • Francisco Carmona
  • USA

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Francisco "evilbuho" Carmona is a Puerto-Rican esports competitor as well as event and tournament organizer from Denver, Colorado, USA. Carmona's key disciplines include Street Fighter V and Tekken 7, where they main F.A.N.G and Bryan, respectively. They also play SOULCALIBUR VI, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and other games. 

According to Carmona, they have been playing competitively since 2001, although  available records trace their career only from 2017, when they participated in Akl Arcade monthly 8/11 (T7). The biggest tournaments evilbuho participated in include Evo 2018 (T7), Evo 2019 (SS, SCVI, T7). Another important tournament they took part in is Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 North America West 1

Carmona is an active contributor to the Colorado FGC scene and community. They regularly organize and manage FGC events and tournaments.