Matches statistic
Matches played
10Win rate
64%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
10Win rate
64%Current streak (Old → New)
3:47 AMBO3 | sandlo | 2 :0 | dudu | ||
3:46 AMBO3 | Chris_GorGor | 1 :2 | dudu | ||
3:44 AMBO3 | Da Ming | 0 :2 | dudu | ||
3:42 AMBO3 | OLD_BOSS | 0 :2 | dudu | ||
3:38 AMBO3 | Ransi | 0 :2 | dudu | ||
3:34 AMBO1 | AdunToridas | 0 :1 | dudu | ||
3:09 AMBO3 | dudu | 0 :2 | SideshowFran |
Xie "dudu" Wenbin is a Street Fighter player from Shenzhen, China.
They competed in Capcom Pro Tour Online 2017 and 2020, EVO 2017, Final Round 2018, TGU 2018, and Saigon Cup 2018.