Matches statistic
Matches played
4Win rate
20%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
4Win rate
20%Current streak (Old → New)
12:15 PMBO3 | GutBuster | 2 :0 | DogFishAI | ||
12:00 PMBO3 | DogFishAI | 1 :2 | DonTony |
Jack "DogFishAI" DiAngelo is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from the United States of America.
His main character is Mega Man.
DogFishAI is best known for participating at several major, local, and online tournaments such as Suplex City Smash, Spectrum, Tri-state Showdown: Fall 2019, and Let's Make Big Moves - A Tristate Smash Ultimate National.