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  • Isiah Smith
  • USA

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Isiah "DNA" Smith is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitor from Minnesota, USA.

DNA debuted in competitive Smash in 2019 at The Counterpick #19, and shortly followed with the participation in The Counterpick #20, where they took 17th place in SSBU. From there on, Smith was a participant at such SSBU events as: Stage 1.2 (4th place) in 2019, Overextend (49th place) in 2019, Super Smash Con 2019, Med City Smash Ultimate #20 (the 1st place), The Big House 9 in 2019, Frostbite 2020 (193rd place), GameWorks Presents - Weekend Warmup #46 (9th place) in 2020, The Box in 2020, and others. 

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