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  • Alex Nguyen
  • USA

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Birthday : Jul 16, 1993 (30)
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Alex "DevilTrigger" Nguyen is an American fighting game player for Crescent Esports.

Although his main game is Mortal Kombat 11, he also competes in other games such as Dragon Ball FighterZ and Samurai Shodown.

DevilTrigger ranked 13th in MK 11 at Texas Showdown 2019, 33rd at Combo Breaker 2019, 49th at EVO 2019, and 65th at CEO 2019.

At Kumite in Tennessee 2020,
he placed 17th in MK 11 singles with a 50% set win rate after losing matches against Biohazard and Abyss.

Check out his Twitter here.

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