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  • Marciano Isselt
  • Netherlands

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Marciano "Deadpool" Isselt is a fighting games pro player and a boxer from Almere, Netherlands.

He competes in Super Smash Bros. UltimateMortal Kombat 11Tekken 7, and Dragon Ball FighterZ.

Marciano mains Incineroar in SSBU and Jade in T7.

Deadpool is best known for participating in Revival events, Fight Session events, Force Local Cup 3, Ultimate Fighting Arena 2018, Red Bull Strijders, Ultimate Smash Session events, Brussels Challenge Major Edition 2019, Bring the Brutality, Benelux Fight Night Round 1, Benelux Fight Night Round 2, Mortal Kombat Pro Kompetition Online Cup 2019 - Europe, Syndicate 2019, Ultimate Fighting Arena 2019, Neptune, and Neptune 2

You can follow him on Twitter.