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  • Eric Ajluni
  • USA

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Birthday : May 2, 2001 (22)
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Eric Ajluni "Daybreak" is an American Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Ultimate, and Wii U player from Michigan. Ranked 3rd on the Michigan Power Rankings and 2nd on the Michigan Ultimate Power Rankings, he is part of Habibi Gang and has an overall set rate of 78%.

Daybreak mains Wolf in SSBB and SSBU with Palutena, Lucina, Chrom, Falco, and Pokemon Trainer in SSBU secondaries. In SSB4, he mains Cloud, Fox, and Falco with Mario, Diddy Kong, and Lucina as secondaries.

Daybreak competed in Ultimate singles and ranked 5th at Holiday Heist 5, 9th at Spotlight, 17th at The Box, 33rd at Glitch 8 - Missingno & Defend the North 2019, 49th at CEO 2019, 65th at Let's Make Big Moves, 97th at Frostbite 2020 & Super Smash Con.

Daybreak is also a fan of the Digimon franchise. Check out his YouTube channel here!

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