Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
60%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
60%Current streak (Old → New)
1:15 PMBO3 | D3ADLYKANSAS | 2 :0 | DarkDaveRamsey | ||
12:45 PMBO3 | Nintenjoe86 | 0 :2 | DarkDaveRamsey | ||
12:30 PMBO3 | Brian_F | 2 :0 | DarkDaveRamsey | ||
12:15 PMBO3 | DarkDaveRamsey | 2 :0 | Van (Andrew B.) | ||
12:00 PMBO3 | Sinister Jazz | 0 :2 | DarkDaveRamsey |
DarkDaveRamsey is a Street Fighter player from Niles, Michigan, United States.
They competed in Frosty Faustings IX and XI-XII, Combo Breaker 2017 and 2019, EVO 2018-2019, Youmacon Battle Opera 2019, and Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020.