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Crimson Arzuros

  • Mexico

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Crimson Arzuro is a Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player from Mexico. They main Inkling but also play characters like Min Min.

Crimson Arzuro has competed in SSBU singles at tourneys like ChillHouse, Collision Online, Derpu's Online Tournament 2020, Domics' Atomic Arena, GOML North American Open: Mexico, JAMICUS JOUST Rainn, Mount Phenom Zero, Pound Online, Rev It Up: 2020 Series, Smash the Router 4, Spacestation Presents: The Airlock, The Box: El Jugo Box, The Cosmic Kerfuffle, The Online Olympus II, and The Quarantine Series: Minor Tournament 1.

Follow Crimson Arzuro on Twitch and YouTube.