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  • Collin Naar
  • USA

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Collin "CodeCol" Naar is an American fighting game player and streamer. He competes in titles like Melty Blood and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate where he co-mains Joker and Roy.

He is best known for participating in Smash Sounds, Xenosaga events, CN:B-Airs, Defend The North 2019, Open Source Smash, Glitch 7 - Minus World LaurelLet's Make Big Moves - A Tristate Smash Ultimate National, Melty IndeX 2020, and Concrete Throwdown #2 - A NYC Event, where he finished 17th.

Follow CodeCol on Twitter and Twitch. where he streams games like Dragon Quest XI S, Kingdom Hearts III, Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, and Yakuza Kiwami 2.


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