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  • Yuko Momochi
  • Japan

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Yuko "Chocoblanka" Momochi is a Street Fighter player from Tokyo, Japan currently representing Shinobism Gaming.

Chocoblanka is one of the most prominent women in the FGC and is very active in the Japanese tournament scene having participated in events like EVO and CEO

Her relationship with video games started at your age when she would play Mario and Pokemon games, however, she didn't play fighting games until the release of Street Fighter 4. Street Fighter franchise is immensely popular in Japan and this motivated Yuko to give tournaments a shot, choosing Blanka as her main due to finding him cute.

Outside of competitions, she also helps to raise a new generation of fighting game players with her husband Yusuke Momochi, who is a well known Street Fighter pro player.

You can find Chocoblanka on Twitter, Youtube, and Twitch.


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