Matches statistic
Matches played
6Win rate
40%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
6Win rate
40%Current streak (Old → New)
7:40 PMBO3 | Zaphryon | 2 :1 | Chino | ||
7:20 PMBO3 | Chino | 0 :2 | -Starlight- |
BO3 | SHADOW X | 2 :1 | Chino | ||
BO3 | Lobo | 0 :2 | Chino |
Erick "Chino" Jimenez is a fighting game player from Mexico. He plays titles such as Samurai Shodown and Street Fighter V.
He has competed in tourneys including CPT Online 2020 Central America 1, CPT Online 2017 Latin America Event 1, Furia Tica 2019, Online Mashness #1 2020, and Thunderstruck 2019.
Follow Chino on Twitter.