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Chad L., also known as "ChadDrawsThings," is a Fighting Game Player, Graphic Designer, and Tournament Organizer. They have competed in tournaments such as:

  • 2021: EVO 2021 ONLINE - Guilty Gear Strive - NA (65th), Low Tide City 2021 (1st in DBFZ & GGTS), PAX West 2021 (5th in GGST), The Big LEVO (65th), Tri-Town Throwdown 4: Welcome back, CWA (1st in DBFZ & 3rd in GGST).
  • 2020: GameWorks 2020 Fighting Game Regional Kickoff, Rose City Unification 14, Vancouver Street Battle Online Series.
  • 2019: AnimEVO 2019, DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ WORLD TOUR FINALS: RED BULL Final Summoning, EVO 2019 (49th in DBFZ), Hollow's Eve, Northwest Majors 11 (3rd in DBFZ).