Matches statistic
Matches played
6Win rate
62%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
6Win rate
62%Current streak (Old → New)
CAMDUKI is a Street Fighter V player from Japan who mains Cammy. He reviews anime, books, movies, and music on his hatenablog.
CAMDUKI is a regular at oreRevo × CYCLOPS events. He has competed in SFV singles at many tournaments such as Jikoken 2020, CPT 2019 ASIA Premier, EVO 2018, Red Bull Kumite 2019, and Rookie‘s Caravan 2019.
At Capcom Pro Tour Online 2020 East Asia 1, CAMDUKI placed 97th in SFV singles with a 50% set win rate after losing matches against kagyu- and Necalli-no.
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