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  • John Brown
  • Canada

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John "brownjohnnCummings is a Tekken 7 competitor from Canada. Their main in T7 is Lars. Apart from T7Cummings is known to play Dragon Ball FighterZ

brownjohnn made their competitive debut at Clash at Esports Central I in 2019 (T7), where they took 9th place. In the following years, they played Tekken at such notable events as: Frostfire 2020, Canada East Championships 2020, Downtown Rumble: Online Odyssey #2, Downtown Rumble: Online Odyssey #6 [T7 & REV2], Cyber Stun City Week 12 - June 1st to June 7th, Digital Havoc #35, ICFC NA SEASON 2 WEEK 3, Frostfire 2021, and others.