Matches statistic
Matches played
6Win rate
76%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
6Win rate
76%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
6Win rate
76%Current streak (Old → New)
2:00 PMBO5 | Brayan-Summers | 3 :2 | Shiver | ||
1:36 PMBO5 | Shiver | 2 :3 | Brayan-Summers | ||
1:35 PMBO5 | Brayan-Summers | 3 :0 | kisiele20 | ||
1:32 PMBO5 | Brayan-Summers | 3 :1 | Apollo | ||
12:35 PMBO3 | Brayan-Summers | 2 :0 | shimmy | ||
12:31 PMBO3 | Brayan-Summers | 2 :0 | extreame1989 |
Brayan-Summers is a Mortal Kombat player from Belgium.
They competed in JusteMeta's Konsole Kombat and The Kombat Showdown 2 where they achieved 1st place.
You can find Brayan-Summers on Twitch.