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  • Braeden O'Brien
  • USA

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Braeden "Braediac" O'Brien is a professional Super Smash Bros. Ultimate competitor from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA. Their key disciplines are Super Smash Bros. Melee and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where they main Yoshi

O'Brien's debut in competitive Smash happened at smash university V, (SSBM). Since then, they have participated in Coyote Fight Night #3 (SSBU) in 2019, where they have taken the 1st place in doubles, won at Virtuality Smashdown (SSBU) in 2019, taken 65th place at Overextend in 2019 (SSBU singles), and 2nd place at Coyote Fight Night #4 (SSBU singles) in 2019. 

In 2020, Braediac participated in Low Kick Online 56, Ultimate @ Xanadu Online 400, and Galaxy Gambit x Collision #15

According to their own Twitter profile page, Braediac is ranked as 7th best SSBU player in South Dakota

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