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  • Tiger Zhu
  • USA

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Tiger "Blaxe" Zhu is a fighting games competitor from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA. Their key discipline is Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where they main Ganondorf. Blaxe is also known to play Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Street Fighter V, Tekken 7 and DRAGON BALL FighterZ

Zhu played competitively for the first time at Nexus (SSBWU) in 2016. Since then, they mainly focused on SSBU, taking notable appearances at such events as: Iconic Clash in 2019, Virtuality Summer Smash in 2019, Coyote Fight Night #4 in 2019 (7th place), Tech in Place in 2019 (the 3rd place), Overextend in 2019 (9th place in doubles, 49th in singles), Domopalooza Winter Finale in 2019, Frostbite 2020, Siouxland Smash in 2020 (9th place) and others. 

Blaxe played SFV and DBFZ at Domapalooza: Winter Finale and T7 at Domopalooza: Prime Edition, all in 2019. 

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