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Big O

  • Omar Morhbi
  • USA

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Omar Morhbi "Big O," formerly known as "Earthshaker," is an American Super Smash Bros player. He mains Zero Suit Samus with Lucina and Wolf as secondaries in SSBU.

Big O has an overall set count of 57% and has also competed in ssbu singles at a few. He ranked 49th at Ultimate Naifu Wars: Sandy Road to CEO 2019, 65th at Defend The North 2019, and 385th at Let's Make Big Moves.

Big O is a huge fan of Mikoto Misaka - a character from the Japanese light novel series A Certain Magical Index and the main character of its spin off, A Certain Scientific Railgun.

Take a peek at Big O's Twitch channel here where he streams games like Death Stranding.

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