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Bao (US)

  • Marcus Lopez
  • USA

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Marcus "Bao" Lopez is a competitive gamer from the United States who plays titles such as Super Smash Bros. Melee, Ultimate, and Tekken 7. He has competed at tourneys like EVO 2019, ICFC NA SEASON 1 WEEK 6, TEKKEN ONLINE CHALLENGE PRE-EVENT OPEN TOURNAMENT, and Wheel of Fate 3.

At Bud Light Beer League 2020 Tekken West 1, he ranked 49th place out of 102 entrants with a set win rate of 50%. He scored a dominant win against GTecHKen in the winners first round and earned a second win via disqualification of participant comeonkhan in the losers second round. He was eliminated from the event when he lost his subsequent matches against Daddy Gamble in the winners second round and Haze in the losers third round.