Matches statistic
Matches played
5Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
Matches played
5Win rate
52%Current streak (Old → New)
Charts based on the tournaments published on DF and the number of games a character was picked in.
BO5 | GuiExceptional | 2 :3 | Baka | ||
BO5 | Baka | 3 :1 | kcd117 | ||
BO5 | Konqueror249 | 2 :3 | Baka | ||
BO5 | Baka | 1 :3 | Konqueror249 | ||
BO5 | Konqueror249 | 3 :2 | Baka |
Beatiz "Baka" Silveira is a Mortal Kombat player from Brazil who represents TXT eSports.
She has competed in tourneys like Beyond The Treta 2021 - Mortal Kombat 11, Bomber Stadium 2! Warner Play!, and Kombat Klub Mortal Kombat Pro League 2021. She also battled her way to 2nd place in the MK11 Liga Latina Brazil Regional Finals 2021.
Follow Baka on Twitch where she also streams games like Devil May Cry 5.