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  • Soner Morina
  • Netherlands

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Soner "Azrael" Morina is a Super Smash Bros player from the Netherlands who co-mains Cloud and Wolf in Ultimate. He represents Dutchies Esports and has competed in tournaments such as:

  • 2021: Arcturus (9th), EnvySnakes Crew Collab Edition, Temple: Hermès Edition, SNUL: The One Invite Tournament (7th), SWT 2021 Europe Qualifier, Ultimate WANTED #3, Vulcan (7th).
  • 2020: AFK x GLR (4th), Bearded Beatdown (4th), Smash South VIII (2nd), Tax Deluxe: 1 (2nd), The Quarantine Series - Europe Edition! (25th), The Ultimate Performance #3 (5th), Valhalla III (13th).
  • 2019: Albion 4, Esports Game Arena: Fight Night XL (5th), F-air Play: Anniversary 2 (2nd), GGWP: Ultimate (2nd), Heroes of Dutch Comic Con 2019 - Winter Edition (3rd), Lightning: strikes twice (7th), Lightning: The New Spark (4th), Red Bull Strijders Fight Club II (3rd), Revival IV (4th), Science Park Smash (4th), Smash South II (1st), Smash South IV (2nd), Syndicate 2019, Tech Republic IV (17th), The Ultimate Performance #2 (9th), TSEA Link Summer Smash (4th).