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  • Arsen Shakhbabyan
  • Russia

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Arsen ''ArsenKamelot'' Shakhbabyan is a fighting games player from Moscow, Russia.

As a Guilty Gear -STRIVE- player ArsenKamelot competed and finished 2nd in LET'S ROCK by PinG, 5th in Rekka, 7th in JKL Online Tour 2022. GGST. Season 1 and Rekka 2. Also ArsenKamelot took part in such tournaments as Saltmine League ARCREVO Daredevil - EMEA (PC), Break The Wall (PC) - ArcRevo EMEA Daredevil and The Big LEVO 3.

You can follow Arsen ''ArsenKamelot'' Shakhbabyan on Twitter and Youtube.