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Ameba (NA)

  • Anita A.
  • USA

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Ameba is an American Super Smash Bros. Ultimate player who mains Peach. She has competed in Shine 2016, CEO 2017, Frostbite 2018Super Smash Con 2018, Pound 2019, Defend The North 2019, and Let's Make Big Moves 2020.

At Glitch 8 - Missingno, she ranked 257th place out 729 entrants in the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate singles with a set win rate of 50%, she scored wins against fellow pool A1 participants ChumpChange and Kami in the first phase losers first and second rounds respectively before losing to Flippy and Ragnellrok winners and losers quarter-final.

Follow Ameba on Twitter.