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  • Alicia Junus
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Alicia Junus, also known as "Aliciaxlife," is a fighting games player, streamer, and commentator. She is the CEO of AccelerateGaming, the host of Online FGC Weeklies & the FGC Woke podcast with Cuddle_Core., and the 1st female Caster for Tekken World Tour.
Aliciaxlife has competed at tourneys including EVO 2018, Northern Battles: Summer's End, Playgrounds, Summer Jam 12, and TORYUKEN 7: Toronto FGC Major. She also organized events such as the Tekken 7 PC Tournament EWF + AliciaXLife Monthly and AXL Charity Tournament.

Alicia deatured on Episode 7 of the documentary series, Gamebreakers. Follow her on Twitch and YouTube where she also streams games like Spellbreak and Super Monkey Ball 2!