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  • Alejandro Ribera
  • Spain

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Alejandro ''Alexdito18'' Ribera is a fighting game player from Barcelona,Spain.

They plays Street Fighter V with a main Vega.

Alexdito18 took the 7th place out of 143 in BCN Ranking Battles - Street Fighter V Champion Edition - Fight 2 and they finished on the 9th place out of 58 in 2do Torneo SFV Sala 33. Also they competed in Juernes de Lucha #10 - Street Fighter V Champion Edition, BARCELONA BATTLES ONLINE #4 - STREET FIGHTER V CHAMPION EDITION, 3er Torneo SFV Sala 33 , Benalmádena Fighters - Powered by Ayuntamiento de Benalmádena, BCN Battles - Street Fighter V OFFLINE and Capcom Pro Tour 2021 - France/Spain/Portugal 1.

Alejandro passionates about video games,music and 80s.

You can follow Alexdito18 on Instagram, Twitter or watch streams on Twitch and Youtube.